Coaching > Moving forward through coaching
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Moving forward through coaching

I offer a therapeutic, pragmatic and business-minded approach to working through entrepreneur, founder and broader career challenges. I draw on my experience as a counsellor, practical career coach and organisational change strategist, and underpin this with 20+ years business & marketing acumen

I worked with Emma when I was faced with a dilemma about my career.  Comfortable but bored in my senior role within a company I had been with for 14 years, Emma helped me deconstruct my thoughts about what motivated me at work, then re-building them to come up with a very accurate picture of what I wanted to do. Just 3 months later my life changed with a new role that precisely matched my career goals.  The process was easy, as Emma took me through various stages of self assessment to understand what made me tick.

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Spanning the commercial and nonprofit world, I’ve experienced and witnessed in others the pressures that can limit our capacity for growth and success. We can get stuck through self-limiting beliefs and a sense of isolation in our busy roles and busy lives. I understand the courage it takes to look inward and consider what’s holding you back and to identify what changes you need to make to have a more fulfilling work experience and deliver greater impact. 

Feel more fulfilled at work

In today’s multi-connected, changing world it can be hard to carve out a career that is meaningful and feels ‘right’ for you. Financial pressures, time pressures and family pressures – amongst others – can lead us to make decisions that move us further away from the work we want to do. And yet, there is a real cost to feeling disconnected and unhappy ‘at work’. Productivity levels drop, self-confidence dips, sick days increase, work frustrations take a toll on relationships. We begin to feel distanced from what motivates us.

I work with founders of startups, business entrepreneurs and individuals wanting to have greater impact and success in their work and step into their full potential. This includes individuals managing a portfolio-based career and those leaders in larger organisations.

I can help you:

  • find the self-belief and resilience to make change happen
  • get clarity about your goals
  • identify the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be
  • overcome internal blocks and blindsports
  • identify and align your values with your work
  • make thoughts, action and behaviour change more intentional
  • build personal accountability

I work with you to identify what’s making you unhappy or frustrated, or what you’re excited about but don’t know how to articulate. Perhaps you’re feeling paralysed by a lack of self-belief. I support you to grow from a place of authenticity and commit to actions (be that small or big steps) that are housed in your ‘real-world’ life.

Emma has been amazing at working with me to develop my social enterprise. She took the time to listen, understand and then reflect back to me my vision for the organisation. This developed into a really engaging discussion and workshopping of ideas, which helped me to cement my values and purpose into a more concrete plan. 

Our coaching sessions enabled me to fully appreciate the importance of communicating a vision which both aligns with personal / organisation values alongside those of potential customers and clients. Emma is highly skilled in her approach : )  Before I knew it, she had practically presented my business plan to me and gave me the confidence to continue in the knowledge that my idea was not only a good idea to me, but a fully viable business proposition. Thank you Emma, you have made a BIG difference. 

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The Coaching Process

Getting Clarity

I work with you to get a deeper understanding of you in relation to your work. I listen carefully to get clarity of your career to date (including voluntary work) and ideas for the future (no matter how ‘far out’ they may seem). This helps us get a sense of the ‘thread’ that runs through what good work is to you. This is essential. This is your foundation from which we build a career path. From these initial conversations we also begin to put words to your strengths – to what makes you credible in your work.

Getting Practical

Once we have clarity in career direction, coupled with a deep sense of the value you bring to the work that you want to do, we get practical and make it real. This aspect includes: articulating what it is you want to do / do more of / change to, creating milestones, considering timeframes, looking at potential barriers and what you might need to draw on to move through challenges. I help identify opportunities for you to test out your ideas and ambitions, try things out in a way that feels safe (financially and psychologically), learn from these experiences, and hone your career path further.

Making it happen

I walk alongside you for as long as is helpful. I help you stay focused on your goals, deal with unexpected challenges, consolidate new learning and develop a more open, curious mind-set about your abilities and working life.

If you would like to help move your career or business forward in a way that feels right for you please contact me.

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Last Updated on 20 February, 2022